Cobalt Brushed Stoneware

Question: {mosimage}
Hi, I am a collector of midwest regional pottery, particularly Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois. Recently found this piece in Milwaukee area thrift shop. Definite salt glaze/cobalt brushed – handthrown, heavy stoneware, clay very similar to Red Wing stoneware 1920-30’s. Inscribed initials on bottom – MH (Mary Huhn?) Size – 3 1/8" height, 5" major diameter, 2 1/2" opening. Flat, slightly concaved dry bottom, glaze drips over bottom ridge.

At first purchase, I thought this might be a Max Howell (of Century House , Madison, WI 1948-63), but further inspection leads me to believe this a a potential RWS lunch hour item . Piece does not appear contemporary (appears true salt glaze) and is too well modelled for a " ceramics class " item or student item.
Thanks, Anthony

Anthony, the only photo I received is of the bottom with the initials MH incised in the clay. The initials, small dark specks in the clay, along with the photo make me believe (at this point) this piece is not Red Wing. Also, the thought of a piece being a lunch hour piece again makes things difficult as there is not another known piece such as this to compare it to. Al Kohlman