I would like you to look at 4 pieces of stoneware in the picture. The top left is a 3 gallon salt glazed crock, in mint condition, with a cobalt 3 and a lazy 8. It also has 2 incised lines near the top. The top right is also a 3 gallon salt glazed with a cobalt 3 and what I think is called a target or beesting. It has a one inch shallow chip on the rim in the front. On the bottom right is a 3 gallon jug with a lazy 8 and the target/beesting. It has one small shallow chip on the shoulder. This jug has an incised H near the bottom. On the bottom left is a 5 gallon salt glazed butter churn with a deep chip on the front. Are any of these Redwing? If not, would you have an idea of the maker. Any information and values would be greatly appreciated! Thank you very much!
Answer: The only Red Wing crock for sure is your 3 gallon target crock which is on the Top right. With the 1 inch shallow chip, it would have a value in the range of $75. The 3 gallon jug could be Western or possibly Red Wing, but I would really need to see the back of the handle where it attaches to the base. It is a nice piece regardless and could fetch in the range of $150 to $250. The 5 gallon churn and other 3 gallon salt glazed crock I just have no idea of maker or value. Wish I could have been of more help. Al Kohlman