Village Green bean pot oven use

Question about Red Wing Village Green bean pot 4 qt. and 2 qt. size. Could it be used to bake beans in the oven at a reasonable temperature for needed time periods or was it intended to be only a piece of decorative serving dinnerware? I suppose the same question could also be asked about the covered casseroles of this same Village Green pattern. Thanks for your opinion. James

Answer: Red Wing dinnerware, including Village Green, was made to be used in an oven. Promotional brochures proudly declared their dinnerware to be ovenproof and detergent proof. A paper label that was affixed to many new Village Green items back in the day stated "Village Green Ovenware". The only reason to not use your bean pot or casserole in the oven would be if it has damage such as a crack, hairline or significant chip.
