75th Anniversary Condiment Set

We discovered a five piece Red Wing Art Pottery condiment set (?) with the stickers still on all the pieces. It was a wedding gift in 1951. The four curved outer pieces are #1381, and the round inner bowl is #1380. In addition, we found a red wing stamped 75th Anniversary 1858-1953. It also appears to be brand new. Both items have been packed away for many, many years. Could you please help us with approximate value, and how we would go about selling the pieces to interested collectors. I would hate to see them just get lumped together with other pottery in an auction. Thanks for your help, Doug

Hi Doug, The five piece set should bring around 70-80, lots of times a piece is missing. Red Wing did several pieces for the 75th anniversary, so I would need more info on that. Ebay is usually the best bet to sell, lots of our collectors watch it on a regualr basis. If it is a family piece I would keep it. I know you can’t keep everything, but we see very personal family history being sold at auctions all the time. thanks, steve n rose