MidWinter Education and Schedule Now Available

Aloha RWCS Members!

MidWinter Get Together Update!


2008 MidWinter Schedule
2008 Education Sessions

The Education Manager, Terry Speedy has released the Education Sessions for MidWinter along with the Key Note Address information.

The MidWinter GetTogether Keynote will be one you won’t want to miss. RWCS Member Dave Kuffel will be talking about the recently discovered and preserved Red Wing Potteries Ledger Book. Attend MidWinter and learn all about the latest information regarding the Ledger book!

In addition, their will be education session regarding art pottery, salt glaze, ebay, recent dump finds. The RWCS Business Office has received so much positive feedback on the Online Membership Services, Bonnie Myers will be offering a session to show everyone what this new service has to offer you the member.

There was such a positive response to the KidsView program in 2007 we are forging ahead with another program "Clowning Around". The kids will have the opportunity to paint Clown faced mugs and other great projects. More information come soon.

Register today!